Re: Court papers and CPR 31.14 non comppliance
Thanks. In reply to your questions:
My CPR31.14 request did ask for a copy of the agreement AND 'any general conditions incorporated in the contract'. No T&Cs supplied with copy of agreement which does look cosher although so small it's almost illegible regarding terms.
No I didn't ever send a request under S78 but my calculations of what I paid after they stopped sending statements matches the sum they claim.
A copy of the notice of assignment is one of the papers supplied last week. Not received previously - addressed to a previous address. Solicitors say their client (Arrow) says it was served first class post. The assignment letter mentions that Westcot Credit Services continue to manage the account and in fact Westcot had already written 2 letters in November 2011 to my current address!
Re the default notice I've sent you a PM on this. Although I read all through the links you gave I must admit that the technicalities of it all made my brain and eyes misty! I'm sure it would take several reads to finally make sense.
I'm pinning my hopes on the fact that they haven't proved their (AG's) right to the debt by their own admission not serving the assignment notice by registered post as seems to be miliitant's contention. Surely the word 'title' in the assignment letter means that the Law of Property Act 1925 applies and s196 re service was not complied with and therefore not adequate! However given the dreadful delays in the court system (I was under the impression originally that the unless order would be issued straight away from Northampton and they'd only actually have 14 days from my application) I can forsee that they'll have lots more time to find all the docs.
I'm also hoping that the judge has already agreed to issue the unless order. Before he decides whether or not to will he ask for a hearing?? I'll call the court tomorrow and get the latest.
Thanks. In reply to your questions:
My CPR31.14 request did ask for a copy of the agreement AND 'any general conditions incorporated in the contract'. No T&Cs supplied with copy of agreement which does look cosher although so small it's almost illegible regarding terms.
No I didn't ever send a request under S78 but my calculations of what I paid after they stopped sending statements matches the sum they claim.
A copy of the notice of assignment is one of the papers supplied last week. Not received previously - addressed to a previous address. Solicitors say their client (Arrow) says it was served first class post. The assignment letter mentions that Westcot Credit Services continue to manage the account and in fact Westcot had already written 2 letters in November 2011 to my current address!
Re the default notice I've sent you a PM on this. Although I read all through the links you gave I must admit that the technicalities of it all made my brain and eyes misty! I'm sure it would take several reads to finally make sense.
I'm pinning my hopes on the fact that they haven't proved their (AG's) right to the debt by their own admission not serving the assignment notice by registered post as seems to be miliitant's contention. Surely the word 'title' in the assignment letter means that the Law of Property Act 1925 applies and s196 re service was not complied with and therefore not adequate! However given the dreadful delays in the court system (I was under the impression originally that the unless order would be issued straight away from Northampton and they'd only actually have 14 days from my application) I can forsee that they'll have lots more time to find all the docs.
I'm also hoping that the judge has already agreed to issue the unless order. Before he decides whether or not to will he ask for a hearing?? I'll call the court tomorrow and get the latest.