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Lowell bought PayPal Credit debt - admitted to invalid default, further action

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  • Lowell bought PayPal Credit debt - admitted to invalid default, further action

    Hi all, first time poster on here but I'm finally in a better place to face my debts head on and not be bullied by the collection agencies

    In 2018 I took out a Paypal Credit agreement. In retrospect I feel the credit was unaffordable but I don't think I can make a claim based on this since according to posts on debtcamel it seems PayPal (EU) no longer fall under the FOS jurisdiction post-brexit. (but I would love to hear if anyone thinks/knows otherwise).

    Anyway, after them more than doubling my credit limit from £1000 to £2250 over the course of a couple years, at the start of 2021 I started struggling financially due to various reasons and fell behind on payments.
    This lead to multiple calls from PayPal (sometimes daily calls for multiple weeks at a time) asking me to make payments even though I told them I wasn't able to, and pushing me to make higher payments than what I could afford at the time. Eventually I stopped answering their calls and even kept my phone on silent for months on end because the constant calling was very stressful.
    The account defaulted then got bounced to Moorcroft and eventually to Lowell. As I was in no position to pay this or my other debts, and my mental state was at rock bottom due to the stress, I just buried my head in the sand and did not significantly engage with either of them.

    Fast forward to July 2023 and Lowell sent me a letter to say that the PayPal default was invalid and offered to remove the default If I could pay the full balance of ~£2200 within 28 days. Due to other priorities at the time, I actually didn't see this letter until slightly after their deadline had passed, (and I don't have the full amount available to pay them anyway) but I gave them a call soon after to see if I could still do something about the default.
    The person on the phone insisted that nothing could be done since I missed the deadline, so I refused to pay anything and let them know that I was very unhappy with this outcome.

    I have been meaning to visit my local citizens advice bureau to ask for their help, but their schedule isn't very flexible and I work monday to friday. Eventually I got caught up with other things (work, moving house etc) and let this sit for a few more months.

    Now Lowell have started sending me letter and emails again, this time saying they're considering legal action.

    Should I send them a CCA request at this point or is there something else I should do? Clearly this whole thing has been managed terribly and they know it so I have some hope that they'll struggle to provide my agreement. (for example they seem to think my agreement was signed in december 2017, but I have a welcome email from paypal credit dated february 2018).

    I also really wish I could hold Paypal accountable for how poorly they handled things, but I'm mostly focused on how to best deal with this going forward.

    TLDR: I couldn't repay Paypal credit debt , after lots of grief from PayPal staff it went to default in 2021, then went to Moorcroft and eventually Lowell. Lowell have said the original Paypal default was invalid, but then refused to remove it because I didn't contact them to make payment within the deadline they set out. Now they are threatening legal action and I need advice on what to do next. My first thought would be to submit a CCA request but I'd love to hear what others think

    Tags: None

  • #2
    I've added the relevant lowell letters for reference
    Attached Files


    • #3

      Welcome to LB

      It would be interesting to find out why they believe the 'Default' is invalid, but will only remove it if you pay the debt. Very strange.

      Send the CCA request, make sure you get Proof of Postage.

      Update when you get a response, check the CCA for anomalies, all the prescribed terms are on there. Check to see if the agreement has been 'varied'. (I haven't checked the letters).


      • #4
        Thank you for your reply! They say it was invalid because I wasn't given sufficient notice the first time around? I honestly don't remember what letters PayPal sent me at the time as I wasn't in the best headspace and I can't seem to find them anymore unfortunately.
        I got a £1 postal order from the Post Office so I will draft a CCA request letter using the template then send it out tomorrow.
        Would you advise I also email/call Lowell to let them know about the letter? I'm just a bit nervous about them actually taking legal action before they receive the CCA request.

        Thanks again


        • #5
          Originally posted by ihatedebt View Post
          Thank you for your reply! They say it was invalid because I wasn't given sufficient notice the first time around? I honestly don't remember what letters PayPal sent me at the time as I wasn't in the best headspace and I can't seem to find them anymore unfortunately.
          I got a £1 postal order from the Post Office so I will draft a CCA request letter using the template then send it out tomorrow.
          Would you advise I also email/call Lowell to let them know about the letter? I'm just a bit nervous about them actually taking legal action before they receive the CCA request.

          Thanks again
          Send a covering letter, let them know a CCA request is on it's way, attach a copy of the CCA request.


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