As many others, I'm new to this...
I've had a MBNA credit cards for 3 years, my limit is £3900. I currently below this limit...
I am however being charged a mountain of interest on a monthly basis. I am also subjected to their daily harrassment when I'm falling behind on my payments...
Times are hard so my card has been blocked for the past 6-7 months as there's only one income coming in (wife's lost here job...) and I can't afford the reapyments, I 've chosen to pay more "important" things like mortgage, council tax, gas/elec & car/house/life insurance...
At this rate it's going to take me forever and a day to pay this debt off...
What can I do to:
1/ Freeze the interest?
2/ Pay what I can afford?
3/ Stop them harrassing me?
I've read many threads but got very confused with the CCAs letters and whatnot and I do not know where to start...
Please help...
As many others, I'm new to this...
I've had a MBNA credit cards for 3 years, my limit is £3900. I currently below this limit...
I am however being charged a mountain of interest on a monthly basis. I am also subjected to their daily harrassment when I'm falling behind on my payments...
Times are hard so my card has been blocked for the past 6-7 months as there's only one income coming in (wife's lost here job...) and I can't afford the reapyments, I 've chosen to pay more "important" things like mortgage, council tax, gas/elec & car/house/life insurance...
At this rate it's going to take me forever and a day to pay this debt off...
What can I do to:
1/ Freeze the interest?
2/ Pay what I can afford?
3/ Stop them harrassing me?
I've read many threads but got very confused with the CCAs letters and whatnot and I do not know where to start...
Please help...