Hi All, I was hoping for some advice. I have been battling with HSBC for a while now regarding OD charges, my complaint is regarding the fact that from when i took out the account for many years I had an overdraft and when I when to the cashpoint it often was incorrect on the balance so like a lot of people i would ask for £200, if there wasnt enough it would say no, the i'd ask for £150, £100, etc until it came within my available balance when it would say yes (yay!) At some point they changed this so it would let me go over my overdraft the charge me £35 a time. In my more recently replies from them they highlighted this was a "informal" reqest for an unuthorised OD which was in the borrowing section of the T&C. as I didn't have a loan with them i have not read that section, as you wouldn't read the joint account, saving account, etc if you didn't have on and at not point was it highlighted as a change. They have said a big final fat No, is it worth taking this to court ? Has there been any successful court claims ?