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HSBC unauthorised OD scam

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  • HSBC unauthorised OD scam

    I am having trouble with HSBC.
    In short they keep ripping me off via unauthorised overdraft fees.

    This is the third month they have screwed with my account taking £25 a time, after with-holding my direct debits but telling me the direct debits have been paid, then waiting until the fees have amounted enough to drop me below the overdraft limit, and then charging me for unauthorised overdraft.

    The other trick they are doing is that the cashpoint tells me there is more money in the account than there really is - by displaying two figures, one of which is the amount in the account, available now and the other figure the amount in the account, including the money with-held for my direct debits. The problem is that this is misleading, in fact the only money in the account is the lower figure; instead of subtracting the amount I owe in direct debits from the overall figure they have added this amount to the actual amount, to get the 'with-held' figure displayed at the top. In practice it looks like I am overspending. I have witnesses who have seen this happen so I am not deluded! Of course the statements do not verify this however I will ALWAYS get a printed statement from now on even though I consider it a waste of planetary resources. I suspect the printed statements from cashpoint will not display both figures because otherwise I could prove all this in a court of law and sue them.

    HSBC have admitted to with-holding my fees even though there was enough money to cover it at the time, I believe they are doing this simply to exploit me. Of course the delays they are putting on the account mean that the paperwork all seems to suggest I am not paying the fees when I have the money and then paying them when I do not. The bank are blaming everyone but themselves, quote; "the company didn't request the money" where in fact it is a direct debit and the company do not have to.

    If HSBC paid the fees out on the day the direct debits are supposed to go out, when I have the money in the account to cover it, then HSBC would not be able to charge me more money. Now I am really stuck because I am on benefits and cannot afford to pay their mounting debts, I can't afford to pay the rollover unauthorised overdraft fees. I have one and a half kids and a partner, and between us we are on £140 a week before any bills go out! And before petrol for the school run...

    So I am writing this to inform people that HSBC are evil and will rip you off!

    I am very grateful there is a wealth of advice in this forum. This thread is to inform people about my progress through court vs HSBC in reclaiming these fees through hardship, and to discuss it all.
    Last edited by brr.eadline; 7th February 2010, 23:09:PM. Reason: added new paragraph

  • #2
    Re: HSBC unauthorised OD scam

    Sorry to hear of your problems with HSBC.

    You should obtain another account for your benefits imediately imho,

    Others will be along to help you further, but I feel a letter of complaint to the Cheif Exec Officer might be in order, but before you do have another account set up for those benefits as HSBC has a habit of closing an account.



    • #3
      Re: HSBC unauthorised OD scam

      Get another account as tuttsi says. And when you check your balance always work on the lower figure, then you won't be withdrawing more than is really available.
      Is no longer here


      • #4
        Re: HSBC unauthorised OD scam

        As Wendy & Tuttsi say get a parachute account with another bank/building society, then have all income transfered into new account, get a complaint off to HSBC head office, then as you go along try reduce OD then leave these hippocrites (hsbc)
        ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
        Tell you what HSBC are like, even treatment to their staff, in 1980s in the Far East, their staff were earning say £2.00 a day, so most members of staff went on strike, - HSBC sacked all of them, how do I know? my OH was one of them. Also here in the UK I know of employees with illness having to fight HSBC for pension or sickness rights after termination of employment due to illness, takes ages, their usual tactics by all organisations hoping you give up, then give in to a degree to shut you up/stitch you up.
        Last edited by MIKE770; 8th February 2010, 21:17:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


        • #5
          Re: HSBC unauthorised OD scam


          hsbc take out alll of the "fees" on the same day each month, the following month to that when the charge was made. unfortunately this makes it hard to tell what your charges will actually be (unless you use online banking).

          i hope they treat you fairly and refund your charges. from experience they probably wont tho :-(.

          the only way to protect your benefits is, as everyone says, to open a new account. if possible avoid direct debits too as there the work of the devil (cost me a fortune in default charges in the past so im not in an ivory tower here). if the money isnt there you have no choice but not to pay it.

          good luck



          • #6
            Re: HSBC unauthorised OD scam

            Where possible do a Standing Order instead of Direct Debit, you then have full control of payments.


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