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pip assessment

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  • pip assessment

    hi can anyone help me understand what has happened,i had my assessment last sept,i lost my mot ability car,,i was awarded standard rate,care,but the assessment was signed two months before my assessment took place
    what do i do or how,
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  • #2
    Re: pip assessment

    Hi and welcome to Legal Beagles.
    You had your assessment last September,was put on standard mobility and lost the car?
    So your decision letter was dated 2 months before you had your assessment?
    Did you ring DWP and ask?


    • #3
      Re: pip assessment

      we only noticed late last night ,the person who signed it off did so before i was assessed ,which sounds like the decision was already made before i was seen,i am appealing ,and trying to get then to send me my paperwork is unbelievably difficult,the have lied repeatedly,they did not ask me to walk ,i cant as i have multi level spinal canal stenosis ,with compression,affecting both legs orthopeadic consultant says there is nothing he can do,as i have various issues and disk fractures ,also osteoporosis,etc, so losing my car has made me housebound,they also said if i can drive it proves i am not so disabled as my notes say i am ,and if i am,i should have notified dvla,

      - - - Updated - - -

      and they have assumed i can walk 50 -200 metres ,even though my sicknote states i cannot walk even 20 metres


      • #4
        Re: pip assessment

        Is there anyway the date could be a mistake, something I have done myself I will admit, not doubting you at all but no point going through appeal etc if they turn round and say it's a clerical error?
        You must do a mandatory reconsideration letter first, but this is supposed to be within one month of the decision.
        You must have a very valid reason for going over this ie being in hospital etc


        • #5
          Re: pip assessment

          I have had the mandatory reconsideration. They refused.me.


          • #6
            Re: pip assessment

            so you are in the process of the appeal now?
            Are you waiting for a tribunal date?


            • #7
              Re: pip assessment

              Yes I've been waiting for the date since end dec


              • #8
                Re: pip assessment

                Not sure of the waiting time it's a bit like how long is a piece of string.
                Did you do the appeal yourself or get help from CAB or a disability support agency?
                If you haven't already seen this it is a checklist to help with the appeal hearing https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Do...al-hearing.pdf


                • #9
                  Re: pip assessment

                  hi its me again julieanne777 ,still not sure of the legality of my pip assessment,as they signed it as seen in July,yet i was not assessed
                  till sept, whats the best thing to do ,contact the dwp ,or the appeal courts,


                  • #10
                    Re: pip assessment

                    Well I think the first thing is to find out exactly why the date is wrong, I wouldn't give the exact date, just say I have a decision dated July but I didn't have my assessment until September can you explain this please.
                    That is what I would do, if they say it's an error ask them then to put it right, if they can't explain it then it's all good for the tribunal.


                    • #11
                      Re: pip assessment

                      Just a quick question. Was the date written with name of the month of 9th July 2016 or as a number 9/7/2016.? The reason I ask is if it is done in US format the date 7/9/2016 is 9th July as the Americans put the month first.

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      If you are housebound and unable to walk then can ask for the appeal to be heard in your home.


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