You are still waiting for the creditor / solicitors to provide the requested documents.
The example defence is below, you can start amending it now, as you already have some of the details required.
Don't send it off until you reach nearer the 28 day mark, you still need to see what the creditor / solicitor will send you.
Send a copy to the Court and a copy is sent to the creditors solicitors You can send it to the Court online through MCOL. Make sure you get Proof of Postage for Defence sent to their solicitors.
The example defence is below, you can start amending it now, as you already have some of the details required.
Don't send it off until you reach nearer the 28 day mark, you still need to see what the creditor / solicitor will send you.
Send a copy to the Court and a copy is sent to the creditors solicitors You can send it to the Court online through MCOL. Make sure you get Proof of Postage for Defence sent to their solicitors.