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Nuff said pmsl

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  • Nuff said pmsl

    David Cameron mistakenly left his eight-year-old daughter in a pub by herself when he drove offwithout her, it was revealed last night.
    The Prime Minister – who had been enjoying Sunday drinks with his family near Chequers – only realised his eldest daughter was missing when he arrived back at his official country residence.
    The Camerons had been drinking at the Plough Inn, in Cadsden, Buckinghamshire, with their three children and two other families.As they went to leave Nancy went off to the toilet without telling them.
    The Prime Minister was driven back to Chequers, which is two miles from the pub, with protection officers in one car, while Mrs Cameron drove their other children in another.
    Mr Cameron presumed that Nancy was in the car with his wife, while she thought that their daughter had jumped in with the Prime Minister.
    A spokesman for the Prime Minister last night said he was ‘distraught’ when he realised what had happened.
    ‘Thankfully when they phoned the pub she was there safe and well,’ the spokesman said. ‘The Prime Minister went down straight away to get her.’
    When Mr Cameron arrived back at the pub he found his daughter happily helping the pub staff.
    It is understood she had been left by herself for 15 minutes.
    Last night a pub ‘insider’ said: ‘You’d have thought that someone would have done a headcount or something.
    The source told The Sun: ‘It’s not like you can look up David Cameron in the phonebook and then ring to say you’ve left your daughter behind.
    ‘It’s frightening that the Prime Minister of Britain can forget something so important as his own daughter.’

    Friends of Mr Cameron last month told how he enjoyed drinking ‘three or four glasses of wine’ over lunch at the weekend.

    The revelations were in a biography that criticised the amount of time the Prime Minister spends ‘chillaxing’

    The book records weekends at Chequers singing karaoke, playing frames of snooker, and tennis against a machine dubbed ‘The Clegger’.

    After long lunches the Prime Minister likes to recharge his batteries with an afternoon nap, the book claimed.

    Mrs Cameron thought her daughter had travelled back to Chequers with the Prime Minister

    A source told the authors: ‘If there was an Olympic gold medal for ‘chillaxing’, the Prime Minister would win it.’

    One adviser claimed that the Prime Minister ‘spends a crazy, scary amount of time playing Fruit Ninja’, a computer game in which players use a cartoon sword to slash fast-moving fruit.

    Mr Cameron has previously been branded ‘DVD Dave’ for his love of watching Danish dramas in bed with his wife Samantha.
    He also finds time for a weekly date night.

    Plough landlord Steve Hollings, who has run the pub with his wife Sharon for more than 13 years, said the Prime Minister and his family regularly pop in for lunch or drinks.

    Mr Hollings said Mr Cameron had again been in the pub with his family at lunchtime yesterday, and had spent about an hour there.

    He said he had no knowledge of the incident with Nancy – thought to have happened about three weeks ago – and the family had enjoyed drinks, opting to have lunch at Chequers instead.

    Mr Hollings said: ‘We see the Prime Minister and his family whenever he is at Chequers. He normally comes in for some lunch or drinks. He’s a lovely family man and a nice customer.’

    The Plough has been nestled in the picturesque Chiltern Hills since the 16th century and is the oldest pub in the area. Its traditional Sunday roast is served for £14.95.

    The Prime Minister and his family spent Boxing Day lunch at the pub.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz1xSWxxPg5

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  • #2
    Re: Nuff said pmsl

    That beats my story, when my daughter was about 11/12 she had a friend stay and sleep over. The following evening her Criminal Barrister Dad and her mother a GP forgot to collect her. When I managed to get the daughter to call them to find out what time they would be coming, the father said if he had been driving he would have remembered lol, so why did the mother forget or why did both parents forget, I am really not surprised at these stories as these people live in a whole new world to us. Does this not remind you of the Mc Cans but qualified professional people as well.


    • #3
      Re: Nuff said pmsl

      I read earlier that the child took herself off to the toilet and thats when the Cameron's left, forgive me for saying this, but this is just another example of parents taking their kids to pubs/restaurants and letting them go off and do their own thing, instead of sitting them down and telling them to behave properly and taking the child to the loo when needed, all too often a nice peaceful lunch etc is ruined by people like this, its about time people realised that pubs/restaurants are not creche's and that they are responsible for their own offspring instead of expecting other people to look after their kids.

      Rant over.


      • #4
        Re: Nuff said pmsl

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        • #5
          Re: Nuff said pmsl

          I know this can happen to anyone, as I know my mum said she forgot me once when she went to pay the rent and left me in my pram outside the town hall, (in the days when you could safely leave your pram outside a shop etc) and secondly we had decent prams in them days that were too big to get in most shops.
          My outrage at this is the fact both parents got it wrong and so did all the security they have with them at all times. They say that it was no fault of the security that was in place but their mistake alone, shocking when you think of the things that could have happened and yet they make so light of it.
          They imho are not an ordinary family as much as they would like to be one and if that is what they wish then the PM job should never have been taken on.


          • #6
            Re: Nuff said pmsl

            Simple solution, teach older kids to say I am going to the toilet, can you wait for me please?

            I have 3 kids, and yes I have had the Where are they? moment, my daughter went missing in morrisons (she saw the bob the builder ride and went off to talk to Bob) but how you can go home without them??!! Surely you know a noise maker is missing?

            As Sapphy said, parents think that staff in shops etc are unpaid baby sitters, and working with the public I've seen that side of it too, ive been told My father is incredibly rich and your not! *shrugs*

            My one worry is, the government (and I dont care who is PM as long as its not Gordon Brown) are spending x million on security a year, and they fail to realise a party member is missing? I always do a head count, or a name shout as I have 2 blonde boys who cound get counted twice. Its simple, you go to the car, theres A, Theres B wheres C? we are missing one!
            If i were PM heads would be very publicly rolling!


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