My granddaughter, 10 years old. For the first 4 years of her life she lived with us. Just her and her mum. I was at the birth, well outside if truth be known pacing up and down the corridor. I was the first to hold her after the nurse. She grabbed my finger and smiled, my wife says it was wind, nonsense.
From that moment onwards I was a goner just like her mother before her she could ask anything, and if it was within my power she could have it.
And doesn’t she know it.
She stays at our house weekends. My Mrs. picks her up on a Friday night. She walks in to the living room,” can I watch my TV granddad,” ,by which she means her programs on my TV, “well actually I was just watching the new*” CLICK.
I think, OK I will get the lap top out and see who is about on the net. “Granddad can I use your computer I want to go on club penguin,” but you are watching TV I say “ I can do both she says”, I hand her the laptop.
I think never mind I will have a cup of tea and read a book. I get myself a brew and some biscuits and put them on the table , go over to the shelf, turn around ,and there she is dipping my biscuits in my tea,” what you laughing at granddad” she says. “I don’t know”, I say
My granddaughter, 10 years old. For the first 4 years of her life she lived with us. Just her and her mum. I was at the birth, well outside if truth be known pacing up and down the corridor. I was the first to hold her after the nurse. She grabbed my finger and smiled, my wife says it was wind, nonsense.
From that moment onwards I was a goner just like her mother before her she could ask anything, and if it was within my power she could have it.
And doesn’t she know it.
She stays at our house weekends. My Mrs. picks her up on a Friday night. She walks in to the living room,” can I watch my TV granddad,” ,by which she means her programs on my TV, “well actually I was just watching the new*” CLICK.
I think, OK I will get the lap top out and see who is about on the net. “Granddad can I use your computer I want to go on club penguin,” but you are watching TV I say “ I can do both she says”, I hand her the laptop.
I think never mind I will have a cup of tea and read a book. I get myself a brew and some biscuits and put them on the table , go over to the shelf, turn around ,and there she is dipping my biscuits in my tea,” what you laughing at granddad” she says. “I don’t know”, I say