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Small Firms Pay Price of New Bank Boom

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  • Small Firms Pay Price of New Bank Boom

    Hello Folks!

    Small firms pay price of bank boom: As bankers celebrate more profits, more companies die from lack of loans

    Keep them fed on poop and in the dark...

    The inherent problem of a Debt Based Economy is there is never enough Number-Money to go around, it always depends upon the Debt Bubble being pumped up every year.

    The Interest to repay the bank Engineered Debts simply does not exist at the time the Debts are created. The Interest can only come from New Debts borrowing more Number-Money into existence.

    Constrain the Number-Money Supply, and Businesses and Consumers alike go bust and lose their homes, respectively. This is inevitable, because there is then insufficient Number-Money flowing around for everyone to pay all of the Interest on all of the Debts.

    When the banks turn off the Number-Money Supply tap, the Debt Based Economy heads straight into Recession and we all suffer the consequences.

    When the banks turn back on the Number-Money Supply tap, the Debt Based Economy climbs out of Recession and starts heading up towards the next boom, when plenty of New Debt will be Engineered.

    It's at this turning point from Bust towards Boom that the banks and related Corporations move in for the kill, to grab the Assets and Homes of those Businesses and Consumers who inevitably struggled due to the extreme lack of Number-Money during the Recession.

    We've reached that stage now, so it is inevitable that greater numbers of Businesses and Homes will be gobbled up by the banks and Corporations that hang off the banks.

    The problem we face this time, is the bankers now truly believe their own Fairy Stories. They know they rather over-did it recently, but the Self-Serving Politicians soon fell over themselves to race to their rescue in order to bail them out...not that the core Central Banks really needed it. They would have been quite happy to see a few front line banks go under, because they knew it was all smoke and mirrors anyway. A failed bank never disappears, it just gets absorbed into another bank. In reality, nothing changes, just a few Logo updates and office shuffles sufficient to make it look good to the punters.

    Where has the Bailout Number-Money gone?

    We've bailed them out, so where has this money gone?

    Apparently, it was absolutely essential that we bail out the banks, or else we would all suffer terribly.

    Well, I'm suffering terribly, and I can see absolutely no beneficial effect from the bank bailouts. It has not changed the attitude or conduct of a single bank, nor a single DCA.

    Not a single penny of the bailout funds have made their way back into the economy. So, where did all that Number-Money go? It didn't just disappear to pay some banking God as a sacrificial gift, never to be seen again.

    No, the truth is, the banks and Corporations have kept it, by carefully paying themselves off by pouring the Bailout Number-Money straight into their highly complex financial packages and Tax Evasion scams. Not content with one Debt, they created 15 other Debts on the back of the first via the Magic of Securitisation, and then asked us to pay those 15 other Debts for them, and the original Debt too!

    They are now sitting on this Bailout Number-Money, waiting to dribble it back into the Debt Based Economies to really ramp up the next Boom. The first wave of this Bailout Number-Money will be used to hoover up the Assets of the latest crop of struggling Businesses and Mortgaged Homes. Those Assets will then be sold back to New Debtors who will be encouraged to think they own the things they think they are buying on the next wave of New Debt borrowed into existence for the purpose.

    The Future is Bleak

    The banks have now started to bounce back into obscene Profit, in less than a year. Only a short while ago they were moaning they were in deep trouble, and saving them was the only solution.

    But they are not lending.

    We can see little sign of where these New Profits have come from.

    The banks have not changed, they have not stopped awarding themselves astronomical bonuses, nor have they made any attempt to help struggling Businesses and Consumers.

    All we have seen are hollow re-branding attempts to portray bankers as helpful and fun, with TV Adverts showing happy and content Cartoon Consumers seemingly delighted to have bank vans touting for business in their Schools and Villages, whilst listening to fictitious bank Disc Jockeys broadcasting utter twaddle.

    The Six Year Debt Sentence

    The harsh reality is somewhat different. The banks are not doing anything to help anyone but themselves. Indeed, they are only busy when it comes to pressing their own interests.

    The banks and their DCAs are more active than ever, and their friends in high places are busy ensuring the Courts are steadily removing the various arguments and barriers that Consumers - annoyingly empowered by the Internet and irritating Consumer Forums - have tried to use to stop the banks' relentless acquisition of their hard earned Assets.

    The Six Year Statute Barred time scale is deliberately long, to allow the banks plenty of time to get their hands on the Assets of their latest crop of victims.

    The Businesses and Consumers caught up in this latest bank engineered Recession have, invariably, been handed Six Year Debt Sentences. During this time, they are treated worse than paedophiles, being wholly ostracised from the financial economy, deprived of the basic financial tools such as Merchant Facilities, Overdrafts, bank Accounts and Cheque Books, needed to operate their Businesses and to house, feed and clothe their families.

    I did not vote for this.


  • #2
    Re: Small Firms Pay Price of New Bank Boom

    Hello Folks!

    Well, here's a surprise...

    City Bonuses Jump 25% to £10 Billion

    The figures are likely to inflame the debate over banking industry pay at a time when banks are under fire for not doing enough to support the UK economy.
    No kidding!

    But the bankers are not an Industry, they make nothing but trouble.

    All they do is blood suck the rest of us.



    • #3
      Re: Small Firms Pay Price of New Bank Boom

      Hello Folks!

      When you inject a few Trillion Number-Monies into the World's Debt Based Economies, guess what happens, eventually...

      Interest Rates 'may hit 8%' by 2012 says Think Tank

      The warning comes from the Policy Exchange, whose chief economist, Andrew Lilico, argues an economic recovery will unleash a wave of money.

      Doctor Lilico believes a double-dip recession is likely, which would then be followed by a boom.

      He argues that the US and UK monetary authorities will respond to this by printing more money.

      Coupling that, he says, with the planned deep government spending cuts, would lead to the fastest economic growth rate since the late 1980s.

      Doctor Lilico says in a research note: "Once the economy gets growing sustainably, there will be a huge expansion in the money supply, which will lead to inflation."

      The Bank has already pumped £200bn into the economy under quantitative easing to help stimulate demand.

      'Rise rapidly'

      He says that policy of the Bank of England has quadrupled the monetary base and once the economy starts growing properly again, lending will expand and there will then be "too much money chasing too few goods".

      Doctor Lilico believes that "once inflation rises, interest rates will rise rapidly as well. Since interest rate rises will raise mortgage rates, the initial effect will be even more inflation".

      He expects inflation to hit a similar level to that of the early 1990s, in the region of 10%.
      Oh, goody, we have all this to look forward to then, a Double-Dip Recession to kick us in the belly, then an Oasis Boom to hide rampant inflation just to kick us up the ass to get things going again before the next bank induced crash.

      Let's hope our clown bankers running the show over here have a tight grip on this...

      The Bank has said that it is not overly concerned about price rises, even though they are rising at more than 3% a year, above the 2% target.

      The Bank's governor, Mervyn King said he had been "surprised" by the recent strength of inflation, but added the factors pushing prices higher were temporary.
      Ah, maybe not!

      Interest Rates are now 50% above target, which just builds on the fact that bankers who cannot even run banks, are clearly unfit to run the economy.



      • #4
        Re: Small Firms Pay Price of New Bank Boom

        think ill start trading with livestock chickens anyone or how about seagulls lol
        If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



        • #5
          Re: Small Firms Pay Price of New Bank Boom

          As usual, you have hit the nail on the head, BRW.


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