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  • Welcome

    Hello to everyone on this site, my name is Christine and Im finding this site so confusing so forgive me for any mishaps lol I will need a lot of assistance from someone. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP LOL:tinysmile_hmm_t2: THIS is my problem and dont know how to asscess Dont get Done get Dom!!!!!!!Hi Dom My niece and I were booking a Christmas Vacation to the Red Sea Eygpt, over the internet via directline holidays, upon finding one that suited our needs with the reference number, it asked as to phone directline instead to book over the phone. This we proceeded to do on the 14th instant, I, Christine spoke to a rep called lucy who after misreading the booking reference number, which I corrected, proceeded to go through the details of the holiday. But during this call the rep Lucy quoted 20th September, instead of December, me being deaf which I reiterated to
    Lucy I was going deaf, on the telephone just said yes, as I misheard what she stated. The rep then requested full payment then and there without us seeing any paperwork or signing anything. I passed her on to my niece Kim who proceeded to go through all the details, but with all the information being toing and froing, failed to pick up on the fact that she had stated September instead of December. Lucy The Directline Rep then stated that we would be sent an e.mail five minutes later confirming all the details and booking reference to our holiday. An email, was received but we were unable to access it until three days later, following the clearance of the transaction of £2,324.00 from my nieces bank. We were only able to access it on the 16th, where we noticed the clerical error.

    On the day of the original telephone booking we tried to contact them by email to let them know that we could not access our detail of the booking, where we still have not yet received a reply. On the 16th instant upon checking our bank and noticing the money had been deducted, we immediately phoned them about the error. Where we were told they had to listen to the recording, as we were sure we had told them20Th December, especially with the original booking reference from the net. Only to find that when we heard the recording neither of us has stated either month, and that it was Lucy who stated September.

    We were then told to pay £2620.00 to go in December by a rep called Rena Costa, then she further went on to state that if we cancelled, we would get £731.10p back only and could book a new holiday for December for £3200.00 totalling our holiday cost £5324.00 for a weeks holiday.

    Due to the fact that I am a single working parent who has not had a holiday with my children in the last eight years, I was devastated, by this information. I felt that IF I COULD HAVE ACCESSED MY BOOKING DETAILS ON THE SAME DAY AS I PAID IN FULL, THEN I WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO CORRECT IT. I have since written a letter, to them giving them seven days stating it was their error, as we originally thought we had said December, but in fact we had not stated any date. Only agreed to what we were unable see. We were even ameniable that we were quite prepared to pay the extra cost but NOT £2620 which was suppose to be amin costs or £3200.00 for another holiday on top of what we had already paid.
    How do we stand as we are all extremely devastated especially the children who were looking forward to their first holiday. I as single working parent cannot afford to lose £2324.00. PLEASE HELP US AS WE NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN

    KIND REGARDS:tinysmile_hmm_t2:
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  • #2
    Re: Welcome

    bump help needed here


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