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Last Activity: 29th February 2024, 11:34:AM
Joined: 28th April 2009
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**won** Hello, and woe! - Court Claim for 'dangerous' DIY...
(Topic in the Received a Court Claim? forum)
16th September 2019, 21:00:PM
**WON** Lowell vs S Lonie - Court date of 1st February - need to submit defence
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
5th February 2017, 16:31:PM
**WON** Need Help Writing a Fully Pleaded Defence
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
22nd June 2016, 14:59:PM
**WON** ParkingEye
(Topic in the Parking - Settled / Successful Cases forum)
8th March 2016, 14:15:PM
**WON** Set-Aside & Claim Dismissed **** CCJ Help
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
6th November 2017, 13:48:PM
**WON** Terachi Shinya vs Hoist Portfolio
(Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
23rd March 2017, 10:16:AM
**WON** Three DCA's have not supplied me with requested CCA /Cabot are now chasing me
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
17th March 2016, 16:23:PM
**WON*** Pagibig v UK PAssport Offices (UKS&S) *** CASE DISMISSED ***
(Topic in the Concluded Cases - UKS&S forum)
29th June 2015, 11:04:AM
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