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Cheques not be scrapped after all, banks say
(Topic in the News and Information forum)
12th July 2011, 15:39:PM
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23rd December 2014, 18:59:PM
Chubbasdad v A&L - succesfully defended strike out application // discontinued claim
(Topic in the Bank Charge Claims forum)
26th April 2010, 16:29:PM
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21st November 2014, 18:19:PM
Citigroup plans to sell EGG
(Topic in the Credit Cards / Store Cards forum)
27th June 2011, 09:15:AM
Citizen's Bank(owned still by RBS Group/taxpayers) sued for overdraft fees
(Topic in the News and Information forum)
27th January 2010, 07:20:AM
Citizens Advice staff facing redundancies
(Topic in the FREE Debt Advice / Charities forum)
5th May 2011, 13:34:PM
Citylink-J.P. Associates
(Topic in the Business, Sole Traders & SME's forum)
31st December 2015, 15:07:PM
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