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Last Activity: Yesterday, 10:46:AM
Joined: 15th May 2007

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Employee blacklist - would it work? (Topic in the Employment Law forum)
18th July 2008, 09:31:AM
Employer and payment (Topic in the Employment Law forum)
21st January 2010, 18:50:PM
Employer contacting old employer not for reference (Topic in the Employment Law forum)
17th November 2011, 13:36:PM
Employer demanding back money after a year? (Topic in the Welcome Forum forum)
9th June 2020, 18:55:PM
16th February 2024, 12:09:PM
Employment Advice needed (Topic in the Employment Law forum)
11th June 2013, 20:17:PM
29th September 2014, 06:16:AM
Employment issues - return to work after sickness absence (Topic in the Employment Law forum)
8th June 2020, 19:11:PM
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9th December 2009, 09:23:AM
End this cheater's charter (Topic in the News and Information forum)
31st August 2008, 17:10:PM
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