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Last Activity: 20th December 2024, 23:41:PM
Joined: 15th May 2007
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WON !!!! - Orfoster v Lloyds Bank Charges in Hardship case - court 28/1 - WON !!!!!
(Topic in the Bank Charge Claims forum)
25th September 2014, 21:30:PM
WoN!!! BW Legal Claim Form in court
(Topic in the Credit Cards / Store Cards forum)
25th July 2014, 21:03:PM
WON!!! Lowell Statutory Demand - Over the timescale, please help...
(Topic in the SUCCESS !! Statutory Demand successes forum forum)
17th May 2013, 13:29:PM
WON!!! Lowells and a statutory demand threat X 3!!!
(Topic in the SUCCESS !! Statutory Demand successes forum forum)
10th December 2017, 12:57:PM
WON!!! Lowells, Statutory demand issued (Ex Barclaycard and Morgan Stanley)
(Topic in the SUCCESS !! Statutory Demand successes forum forum)
24th June 2015, 09:12:AM
WON!!!!! Northampton County Court Claim causing insomnia, please help!
(Topic in the Concluded Cases forum)
30th November 2017, 08:37:AM
Wonga rep destroyed on watchdog
(Topic in the Debt Collection Agencies forum)
16th September 2012, 16:42:PM
Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k custs
(Topic in the News and Information forum)
31st August 2016, 17:14:PM
Wonga to write off 330,000 customers debts and let a further 45,000 off the interest
(Topic in the News and Information forum)
2nd October 2014, 15:31:PM
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