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Last Activity: 11th March 2019, 08:49:AM
Joined: 13th June 2007
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Mortgage Company claims
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
1st October 2007, 23:41:PM
Mortgage Interest If You Are Over 60
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
10th November 2010, 11:35:AM
Mortgage Lenders Fined Over 'excessive' Charges
(Topic in the Banks and Building Societies forum)
28th February 2013, 14:28:PM
Mortgage Penalty Charges Claims
(Topic in the Housing, Property and Neighbours forum)
30th September 2008, 20:01:PM
Unable to view subscription
12th September 2012, 22:34:PM
My brother v. Lloyds--multiple claims
(Topic in the VIP Cases - Live & Confidential forum)
23rd February 2012, 14:25:PM
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