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Last Activity: 11th March 2019, 08:49:AM
Joined: 13th June 2007
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Halifax PPI claim
(Topic in the PPI - Payment Protection Insurance Reclaiming forum)
28th August 2013, 05:03:AM
Halifax PPI Claim
(Topic in the PPI - Payment Protection Insurance Reclaiming forum)
11th August 2012, 21:02:PM
Halifax ppi claim refusal
(Topic in the PPI - Payment Protection Insurance Reclaiming forum)
6th January 2013, 23:50:PM
Halifax PPI Refund
(Topic in the PPI - Payment Protection Insurance Reclaiming forum)
13th October 2014, 16:40:PM
halifax ppi refused
(Topic in the PPI - Payment Protection Insurance Reclaiming forum)
28th June 2013, 14:33:PM
Halimac Vs. Halifax plc (Credit Card)
(Topic in the VIP Cases - Live & Confidential forum)
8th March 2011, 11:28:AM
Halimac: Blackhorse Refuse PPI Claim(s)
(Topic in the VIP Cases - Live & Confidential forum)
28th January 2012, 07:22:AM
Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI
(Topic in the PPI - Payment Protection Insurance Reclaiming forum)
19th June 2012, 07:20:AM
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