We have an issue that has arisen, I've ordered some items that have been shipped by boat from China. The goods arrived (wasn't advised exactly when) the shipping company has been tasked with importing the goods from China to my door in the UK. The goods incured customs and VAT, the company issues the invoice for the VAT and Customs duty to me on the 10 Jan 24. The invoice was originally incorrect and I advised them of this, they corrected it and sent it to me again by email on the 12 Jan.
I asked why it didn't appear in my account online and could I make a credit card payment, they came back to me on the 18 Jan finally (while also asking our BDM) with NO.
I advised that I couldn't make a payment just yet as I was waiting for our security key to be sent by post to allow me to log into online banking. It arrived the following day and I was able to schedule the payment for the 23 Jan. On the 24 Jan they acknowledged the payment and asked how I wanted the goods delivered.
They also advised some storage charges would apply becuase I didn't pay quickly enough.
That said, today I have recevied (and coviniently sent at 16:47 just before they close) an invoice with the fees of £993.60 for storage. They claimed that the fee is normally £40 per CBM at 5.52m2 for my goods.
As a gesture of goodwill they have lowered this to 9 days instead of 11 and put the rate at £20 per CBM.
Couple of questions.
If I don't pay it I can't get my goods. My fear is if I argue more over it they will charge me for more days storage.
At no point in any emails was I advised when the goods physically arrived nor that if I didn't pay the Customs and VAT by a given date then the goods would incur storage fees.
I am inclined to pay it to released the goods as they are being held at ransom otherwise.
Could I then claim the funds back?
I asked why it didn't appear in my account online and could I make a credit card payment, they came back to me on the 18 Jan finally (while also asking our BDM) with NO.
I advised that I couldn't make a payment just yet as I was waiting for our security key to be sent by post to allow me to log into online banking. It arrived the following day and I was able to schedule the payment for the 23 Jan. On the 24 Jan they acknowledged the payment and asked how I wanted the goods delivered.
They also advised some storage charges would apply becuase I didn't pay quickly enough.
That said, today I have recevied (and coviniently sent at 16:47 just before they close) an invoice with the fees of £993.60 for storage. They claimed that the fee is normally £40 per CBM at 5.52m2 for my goods.
As a gesture of goodwill they have lowered this to 9 days instead of 11 and put the rate at £20 per CBM.
Couple of questions.
If I don't pay it I can't get my goods. My fear is if I argue more over it they will charge me for more days storage.
At no point in any emails was I advised when the goods physically arrived nor that if I didn't pay the Customs and VAT by a given date then the goods would incur storage fees.
I am inclined to pay it to released the goods as they are being held at ransom otherwise.
Could I then claim the funds back?