Firstly I would like to say that this is a fantastic forum and I wish I had taken a proper look ages ago.
I have been fighting with the above associated acolytes for quite some time on my own. To see others succeeding against them is great and encouraging.
In short, I lost my job due to redundancy back in Nov 2008 and at the time had an overdraft and Credit Card with Lloyds. No payments have been made since Nov 2008 on either. I am sure I had PPI with them, but didnt want to pull the tiger's tail as it were. I didnt therefore intimate a claim.
After years of their threats and me telling them to sue me, I was eventually served late last year with an SD for the Credit Card by BW, for a sum in excess of £5000 and proceedings earlier this year from BC for a sum less than £5000 for the overdraft. Not having seen this website, I dealt with each one in a similar manner. I asked for full documentary evidence of the original debt and stated that I would be making a counter claim/setting off for PPI should any appear to have been paid.
BW said it was nothing to do with Lowell, I disagreed. I havent heard since. The SD was served in December 2013.
For the overdraft, BC issued proceedings in January, confirmed to the Court they wished to proceed after I had filed a defence and the case was then allocated to the SMT with a hearing date in August. I was about to put them on notice of my intention to apply for disclosure when I received a notice of discontinuance today
It set me off wondering why and I discovered this forum.
Having read a few threads here, I wonder where I stand with the larger debt that BW have been dealing with. The Credit Card agreement date certainly pre-dates 2007. They havent sent me any documentary evidence in support of the claim and as I suspected at the time were trying to frighten me with the SD. My instinct is to wait, as they will be time barred in November. If they do come back to I will make a formal request for the CCA and take it from there.
Any observations or tips would be greatly appreciated
Lowells/BW/Bryan Carter/Lloyds - Part success
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Guides and LettersSHORTCUTS
Pre-Action Letters
First Steps
Check dates
Acknowledge Claim
CCA Request
CPR 31.14 Request
Subject Access Request Letter
Example Defence
Set Aside Application
Witness Statements
Directions Questionnaire
Statute Barred Letter
Voluntary Termination: Letter Templates
A guide to voluntary termination: Your rights
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