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Please help: Small claims court

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  • SherJ
    started a topic Please help: Small claims court

    Please help: Small claims court

    Hi. This is such an embarrassing and horrific thing that i am going through right now.
    last Friday myself and partner stayed at a hotel. We ahd been for dinner the night before and i became unwell early hours.
    basically i was sick and in doing so wet the bed as i have a weak bladder. I was and still am absolutely horrified even thinking about it.
    i stripped the bed and tried to clean it as best i could through my tears.
    i know i should of said something to staff but i was so ashamed. Fast forward a few days and the hotel have got in contact and told me they want me to pay £1000 as they had to buy a new mattress lost 3 days revenue as they couldn’t rent the room. This figure seems absolutely absurd!
    I replied apologising sincerely and explained i was really unwell and he said he would accept £250. I agreed and asked could this be payed through a payment plan as i am currently out of work due to ongoing mental health issues.
    He refused and in turn is now asking for the full £1000
    obviously i cannot possibly pay this back in full and although he hasnt mentioned it yet, i am 90% sure he is going to file for a small claims case against me.
    i am seeing citizens advice tommorow.
    i will offer a higher payment plan too.
    my question is how likely is it he will win in court even tjough i have admitted fault, but through an accident and being unwell. I have offered a payment plan and have been nothing but apologetic. How likely will the judge actually accept the case?
    i will asi be asking for proof (reciepts) etc of the ridiculous figure of £1000!
    please can anyone give me advice. My mental state is in absolute ruins over it all
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  • islandgirl
    Best not to let it get to court if you can as you don't need the stress. I would find details of firms who deep clean mattresses and offer the cost of this. Something like: https://cleanmybed.com/en-gb/what-we-do/
    If not accepted then I would ask to see evidence of the cost of a new mattress from a supplier - and point out that the cost needs to be reduced according to how old it is.

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  • atticus
    Do you have travel insurance that might cover this?

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