Hi all, private parking company has made a court claim , I did SAR request . ALL photos taken
- all letters/emails sent and received, including any appeal correspondence earlier
- A PDT machine record from that day, of payments made
- all data held, all evidence you will rely on, and a full copy of the PCN, NTK
- and a list of all PCNs you consider are outstanding against me and/or this VRN. Any claim must be for all PCNs in one claim, not several separate claims.
I received it including Pdt machine data of parking on day in question, as car park is permit or pay I requested which of the VRNS were permit or payment. I received another copy of pdt record with payment or permit beside vrn, however a car on record 1 vrn zzzz arrived at 9.34pm on the second letter car vrn zzzz was now not that time but 4.20pm , 6 were altered in total and last car was 7.40pm instead of 9.47pm that covers the data protection act altering to mislead will it also break civil court law ? Is this even classed as fraud as it comes up on internet searches when altering payment records? Any advice would be appreciated.
Advice please sar
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Court Claim ?
Guides and LettersSHORTCUTS
Pre-Action Letters
First Steps
Check dates
Acknowledge Claim
CCA Request
CPR 31.14 Request
Subject Access Request Letter
Example Defence
Set Aside Application
Witness Statements
Directions Questionnaire
Statute Barred Letter
Voluntary Termination: Letter Templates
A guide to voluntary termination: Your rights