Hi all,
Recently I found a vehicle for sale and asked questions regarding it and vehicle had finance in which owner said he'll clear with me being there. Ended up meeting with the seller and took the car out for a test drive. Car was good and paid and he had paid the finance and showed me a bank statement transfer into the finance companies account and said they'll send a confirmation within 24hours and which I will be sent right away. Been around 12 days now and chased this with him daily and either do not get a reply or get very short replies. He keeps saying he is out of country and has cleared the finance and nothing he can do. I have called the finance company several times who have confirmed they have not received any payments for this vehicle. I then asked the seller can you send me the bank transfer statement proving it has been sent, after keep chasing he sent it over and having looking at it closely now it is a fake bank statement from Lloyds bank, I have made someone else transfer me money from the same bank and compared the two and can confirm that his one is not legit. He still is saying to me I don't know what you want me to do as I've done my side and cleared the finance but I have proof that he has not as I recorded the finance companies call and he has forged a bank statement. Anyone know what I could do? I have all messages as proof.
Previous owner not clearing finance
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Check dates
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