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Update advice needed please

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  • forumdot
    started a topic Update advice needed please

    Update advice needed please

    Hi, I have posted details of this previously but not sure my posts are getting through so this is an update, link to the original post below.

    Court threat ex landlord (commercial) - LegalBeagles Forum

    There are two seperate issues,
    1- is a dilapidation order.
    The tennant decided to contact the Landlord directly to see if an amicable solution is possible as most of the order is pretty much fictitious (photographic evidence as proof from the tennant) although there are a couple of items he says he is responsible for, decorating (he wasn't given enough time before vacating to get this done) and some curtain poles that should have been removed. The reply from the Landlord was very short just "what is your proposal".
    The tennant (or ex tennant now for over a year,) is worried that if he makes his offer, he is in any way accepting responsibility or implicating himself and could this be manipulated to admission if it goes to court. The dealings with them to date have been quite stressful

    2- A dispute with commercial landlord over backdated rent (amount agreed with old landlord until further notice, property sold, no contact from new landlord for over a year but then wanted increased rent backdating from takeover). communication was made by the tennant within the 8 week period but as to date nothing back from the landlord and its been over a year. This was meant to have been put forward to court but he hasn't heard anything regarding this for over a year either from the landlord or the courts. Is it usual to take this long, can it now be void after this period of time? Is there any way to check if there is a claim on the system?

    I hope all this is making sense and Im not breaching any rules by posting an update post. I cant begin to tell you how this is affecting him (mental health team is involved) having never experienced anything like this before. Im just trying to help as much as possible so any advice from yourselves is greatly appriciated
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  • forumdot
    Thank you, I dont seem to be able to see it and didn't think it had posted as I had issues before, will try and look now but thank you

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  • atticus
    Replied on the original thread

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