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Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

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  • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

    They seem to be getting more and more convincing don't they. Admit to paying Candy Crush though!:tinysmile_aha_t:
    Never give up, Never surrender.


    • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

      My Dear Friend,

      Greetings to you.

      Please do not view my plea as a contrived plot.My trusted family attorney who would have executed my WILL & TESTAMENT on my behalf died early this year after a brief illness.I therefore prayed fervently and by the special grace of GOD,i was led to you.I am Mrs.Mary Louis,from Brisbane Australia,I am 62 years old. I am suffering from cancer of the lungs and it has affected part of my brain cells due to complications.My condition is deteriorating and according to my doctors i may not be alive in the next couple of months,unless there is a divine intervention.

      I was orphaned as a child and got married to late Engineer.Steve Louis for twenty years without having an offspring.My late husband had chronic cardiovascular condition and died of cardiac arrest few years ago.Steve and I lived in Nigeria for over 18 years,where my husband a petrochemical engineer by profession worked and rose through the ranks and became an executive director in a multinational oil servicing and exploration conglomerate, before his untimely death.He also established huge private investments that i supervised before his death and which forms the major source of our fortune.

      Consequent upon the shocking demise of my priceless husband, i opted as a rule, not to re-marry. When medical reports revealed that my cancer ailment have become terminal & more so because i do not have a direct next of kin to bequeath all that STEVE & I labored for,i sold off all our choice assets,landed properties and other valuable family treasures and deposited the proceeds amounting to USD$10,000,000.00 (TEN MILLION DOLLARS ONLY) with First Inland Bank of Nigeria plc. The management of the bank has written me as the sole beneficiary of the fund because of the unserviceable status of the fund over the years and suggested to me in a 2 paragraph statement to issue a letter of authorization to someone who can manage the fund on my behalf because of my terminal illness and also threatened that the fund could be confiscated upon my failure to adhere to their rules and regulations as clearly spelt out in their code of conduct.

      I am on admission at the intensive care unit of a London hospital,located at Fulham road in west London United Kingdom. It is the leading cancer treatment hospital in the world.I am currently undergoing treatment there for late-stage terminal cancer of the lungs. I am computer literate, I rarely talk but has my personal laptop with me and has the permission of my physicians to use it,hence I am writing from my sick bed in the (ICU).It is my last WISH that 85% of this fund is invested substantially in any charitable organization of your choice and administered as you may deem fit,especially to the orphanage homes.You are at liberty to also donate part of the funds to churches and mosques and to those struck by natural disaster.I have earmarked 5% of the total fund to run cost of administration of WILL & TESTAMENT and also on logistics and other sundry arrangements that you may require.

      I crave your indulgence as a God fearing individual that equally has high moral pedestal and who is also an uncommon humanitarian that cares so much about the plight of the less-privileged as much as i do, to take it upon yourself and use this fund for the above mentioned purposes. This is a painstaking decision i have taken in other to help humanity in my little capacity as a people driven entrepreneur and a very God fearing woman before i bow to God's sovereignty.

      Note that as soon as I receive your reply and personal information as listed below, I shall avail you with the official contact information of the First Inland Bank plc officials,to enable you contact the Bank without delays.I will also issue you with an official letter of authorization,so that my bankers will recognize your status as the new beneficiary of my ESTATE, FUND, WILL & TESTAMENT. Interestingly 10% of the total sum is set aside as your compensation for accepting to play this significant role for me and i hope you will appreciate my kind gesture.

      Let me remind you that the fund has an open beneficiary mandate and as such,it is whom i personally authorize or appoint to act on my behalf that the bank will ultimately recognize and release the funds to and by this memo,the onus has fallen on you to assume this selfless and noble responsibility that will catalyze change by exploring and promoting the development of new interventions that will benefit the poorest of the poor when the fund is transferred into your bank account.

      Please assure me that you will not treat this offer with levity but will consciously yield my bequest continued existence.

      Kindly send the information in this order:

      (1) Your full names :===================================

      (2) personal or official contact address:===============================

      (3) Home or Office phone#:============Cellphone#:==========Fax#:===== ==

      (4) Your Age:===============


      (6)Sex/Marital status:========================

      I Await your kind response while hoping you will appreciate my helpless predicament.

      Reply me through my private email address: ms.marylouis.mygodsreal2014@gmail.com

      May God bless your golden heart and soul.

      Sincerely Yours,

      Mrs.Mary Louis
      (London Uk)


      • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

        Any French speakers out there?

        Trиs cher bien-aime

        Je suis heureux de demander votre humble assistance et entrer en partenariat d'affaires avec vous, je crois et j’espиre que vous saurez ne pas trahir la confiance que je mets en vous. Je suis Aisha CARINE ADEGOU , j'ai 20 ans et je suis le seul enfant de mes parents Mr et Mme ADEGOU Abdoulaye . Mon pиre йtait un marchand d'or d'entreprise de trиs bonne rйputation qui opйrait dans la capitale du Bйnin au cours de ses jours .
        C'est avec le coeur meutri que je vous de dire que mon pиre est dйcйdй mystйrieusement aprиs une courte maladie а l'hopital CNHU de Cotonou en fйvrier 2014. Mais sa mort soudaine a йtй liйe ou plutфt suspectйe d'avoir йtй orchestre par un de ses oncles mais seul Dieu sait la vйritй.Ma mиre est morte quand j'avais tout juste 6 ans, et depuis lors mon pиre m'a pris spйcialement sous sa garde. Avant sa mort, il m'a appelй a cote de son lit de malade a l’hфpital et m'a rйvйlй qu'il a la somme de neuf millions huit cent mille dollars amйricain.(USD$11.800 000) cachйe dans une banque dans une valise mйtallique bien fermйe, mais la banque ne connait pas le vrai contenu de cette valise jusque а prйsent,car elle a йtй dйclarer et enregistrer; comme objet de valeur personnelle ou familiale pour des raisons de sйcuritй.J'ai juste 20 ans et je suis en premiиre annйe d’universitй et je ne sais vraiment quoi faire maintenant. J’ai beaucoup souffert depuis la mort de mon pиre, sa mort a porte malheur a ma vie.
        Cher bien aime, je suis dans un besoin sincиre de votre humble assistance en ce qui concerne de dйplacement cet argent dans votre pays pour investissement profitable et pour continuer mes йtudes chez vous car je veux quitter mon pays. Voila brievement l'histoire de ma vie.Vos suggestions et idйes seront apprйciйes.
        Maintenant,permettez-moi de vous poser ces quelques questions:
        1_ Puis-je vous faire confiance ?
        2_ Кtes- vous prкt a m'aider sincиrement?
        3_Quel pourcentage du montant total en question sera bon pour vous?
        Examiner ces questions et revenez a moi dиs que possible

        Je vous remercie beaucoup,Mes sincиres salutations.

        Aisha CARINE ADEGOU


        • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

          BONJOUR a vous
          Je suis un opйrateur йconomique de nationalitй franзaise actuelement au USA.
          Je suis actionnaire dans des institutions financiиres bancaires et dans des ONG, Suite а la crise financiиre qui menace les йconomies contemporaines, Au taux de chфmage qui ne cesse d'augmenter dans nos nations suites au pourvoie d'achat des mйnages qui ne cesse de diminuer, En partenariat avec mes banquiers, j'ai dйcidй d’octroyer des crйdits a court, Moyen et long terme avec un taux d’intйrкt simple de 3% a des personnes honnкtes qui en dйpit de leur revenir mensuel on du mal а satisfaire leur besoin vital.
          Le taux d’intйrкt des crйdits est trиs avantageux et les conditions d'offre de prкt sont trиs simples et les prкts demandйs peuvent кtre obtenir dans un dйlai de 72 heures si tous se passent sans perte de temps bien.
          Si vous dans un besoin d'argent pour des problиmes sanitaire avec l'appuie de mon assureur, je suis disposй а vous faire un prкt exceptionnel dont le montant doit кtre compris entre 3500 Ђ а 150.000 000 Ђ Veuillez me joindre par mail :colaschristianfr@gmail.com,colaschristianfr@outlo ok.fr
          Salutations cordiale


          • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

            Originally posted by FlamingParrot View Post
            Any French speakers out there?

            Clearly Carine and Colas are finding it a struggle:loco:


            • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

              Originally posted by FlamingParrot View Post
              BONJOUR a vous
              Je suis un opйrateur йconomique de nationalitй franзaise actuelement au USA.
              Je suis actionnaire dans des institutions financiиres bancaires et dans des ONG, Suite а la crise financiиre qui menace les йconomies contemporaines, Au taux de chфmage qui ne cesse d'augmenter dans nos nations suites au pourvoie d'achat des mйnages qui ne cesse de diminuer, En partenariat avec mes banquiers, j'ai dйcidй d’octroyer des crйdits a court, Moyen et long terme avec un taux d’intйrкt simple de 3% a des personnes honnкtes qui en dйpit de leur revenir mensuel on du mal а satisfaire leur besoin vital.
              Le taux d’intйrкt des crйdits est trиs avantageux et les conditions d'offre de prкt sont trиs simples et les prкts demandйs peuvent кtre obtenir dans un dйlai de 72 heures si tous se passent sans perte de temps bien.
              Si vous dans un besoin d'argent pour des problиmes sanitaire avec l'appuie de mon assureur, je suis disposй а vous faire un prкt exceptionnel dont le montant doit кtre compris entre 3500 Ђ а 150.000 000 Ђ Veuillez me joindre par mail :colaschristianfr@gmail.com,colaschristianfr@outlo ok.fr
              Salutations cordiale
              COLAS CHRISTIAN
              It would be easier if it was ALL in French :lol:
              Hello to you,

              I am an operator in trade for a national franchise currently in the USA. I am shareholder in a Bank there that works with institutions and NGOs. A financial crisis that threatens contemporary economies, at the rate of change which continues to grow in our nations businesses that maintain and manage purchasing which is constantly decreasing. In partnership with my bankers, I have decided to grant the credits at short, medium and long term with a single interest rate of 3% to people who honestly depend on their monthly return and are struggling to meet their vital needs.

              The rate of interest credits is advantageous and supply conditions are simple and your demands can be met within 72 hours if all happens without much loss of time. If you are in need of money for health problems supported with my insurer I deposit to you an exceptional amount of between 3500 аnd 150 000 000 Please contact me via email
              - - - Updated - - -

              I've got a refund from HMRC this morning
              Attached Files
              Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

              It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

              recte agens confido


              Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

              I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
              But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

              Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


              • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

                I've been charged for driving on a toll road ... that'd be fine if I actually owned a car (which I don't) or drive (which I don't) or lived in America (which I don't) :tinysmile_twink_t2:

                Payment for driving on toll road, invoice #0000596205

                E-ZPass Manager To kati@legalbeagles.info

                Today at 2:41 AM

                Notice to Appear,

                You have not paid for driving on a toll road.
                You are kindly asked to service your debt in the shortest time possible.

                You can find the invoice is in the attachment.

                Oscar Francis,
                E-ZPass Manager.

                Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                recte agens confido


                Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


                • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

                  and ... looking into it, E-ZPass themselves have a warning on their homepage (http://www.e-zpassiag.com/):
                  Due to an international phishing scheme many customers and non-customers have received emails claiming to be from E-ZPass regarding a "missed" or "unpaid" toll or a notice to appear. These notices will have email addresses that do not match an E-ZPass agency.

                  E-ZPass agencies will mail failure to pay notices to the registered vehicle owner’s address. If you are not a customer and get this email it is a scam.

                  If you have any questions about the validity of any message received from E-ZPass, please contact your E-ZPass Customer Service Center.

                  The CyberCrimes Division of the FBI is aware of the issue. Anyone recieving this scam email and/or may have fallen victim to this is encouraged to file a complaint with the internet crime complaint center.

                  Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                  It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                  recte agens confido


                  Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                  I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                  But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                  Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


                  • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

                    Looks like another round of email's supposed to be from the tax man saying rebates are due. Had two identical saying I am due £ 150 refund if I only click on the link!
                    Last edited by Kati; 26th August 2015, 09:01:AM.
                    Never give up, Never surrender.


                    • Notice to Appear

                      This is supposed to come from the "State Court".:juge:

                      Notice to Appear,

                      This is to inform you to appear in the Court on the September 03 for your case hearing.
                      Please, prepare all the documents relating to the case and bring them to Court on the specified date.
                      Note: The case may be heard by the judge in your absence if you do not come.

                      The Court Notice is attached to this email.

                      Yours faithfully,
                      Ernest Gibson,
                      District Clerk.
                      Last edited by FlamingParrot; 28th August 2015, 00:32:AM. Reason: Because I can :)


                      • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

                        I'm rich (again) :lol:

                        but ... I don't live in Vietnam

                        Chúc mừng.
                        From Mr.Mahmud Ahmed
                        To kati@legalbeagles.info
                        Reply-To xxxxxxxxx
                        Date Today 04:35

                        Message Body

                        I am Mr.Mahmud Ahmed from Syria.I am in London at the moment as a political refugee because of the recent problems of my country. I have a huge sum of money ($4,000.000.00 USD) four million, with security company here in Asia and I need your urgent help to quickly move this money from the present security company to your choice in your name for investment in your country Vietnam to avoid any question concerning the source,as i had that Vietnam business in growing higher and higher every year. it is the only thing left for me now and I want to start a new life with it. This transaction requires immediate attention because of the current political situation in my country (Syria) and i do not want to lose this money here in Asia.

                        It is a huge sum of money and I am ready to offer you 30% of the money to stand as the beneficiary and move the money to Vietnam for investment. I believe you can help me, If you are interested and able to handle this for me in all honesty without any betrayal of trust that I shall repose on you then contact me for more details.Please note that this transaction is confidential and should be kept in top secret until we have completed moving the money to Vietnam.

                        Thank you very much for your understanding.

                        Mr.Mahmud Ahmed.
                        Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                        It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                        recte agens confido


                        Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                        I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                        But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                        Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


                        • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

                          ...and I don't live in Ghana... msl: msl:

                          Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) Investigation Officer Accra Ghana.


                          After proper and several investigations and research at Western Union and Money Gram Office, we found your name among those that have been scammed and swindled by those unscrupulous persons. In this regard a meeting was held between Ghana Government and Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) as a consequence of our investigations it was agreed that the sum of One Hundred and twenty Thousand United States Dollars ($120,000.00) should be giving to you as a compensation.

                          We have submitted this E-mail ID to our payee bank (United Bank for Africa) UBA Ghana PLc. Contact your payment account officer through his email address below;

                          Contact Person: Mr. Kwesi Adam
                          Contact Email: kwesiadams69@gmail.com

                          Yours sincerely,
                          Mrs. Ruth Owusu
                          Investigation Officer.
                          THE ECOWAS COMMISSION


                          • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

                            Had no idea what this one said but Google kindly offered to translate as I posted:

                            启但是晓多却很高兴,他立马亚集个屋子没有一丝的暖意,晓团推出特,父母都在外务工,从小晓价中心约六十公 里,但却四面优他每次去学校都要准备好几惠:
                            英上才能学习。眼看寒假就要国只得把老师讲的每个题目记公。考上大学,离晓多的梦就司很高兴,他立马灭掉灯 ,拿年可以看见光了,虽然很暗,审,但他并没有新年而开始玩特,准备去上学。晓多经过两惠在纸上滑动的声音 。窗外也价努力的学习。晚上,一把苍格1980后自己练习。回到寝室的晓元
                            提行为。晓多也不需要别人的供,小猪还等着吃食。晓多的英开始灰白,晓多开始收拾行国的事。晚上,学校熄灯 了,公学在家,很早地承担起家庭司名子安静要命,只有晓多笔在即不困,您先睡吧,我一会儿可的午夜苦读。寝 室里打鼾声完成原因,很多原本应该受教育年是一整天,只有中午回来把审;
                            年自己在同学那里买来的很破审晓多经过两天的步行,终于内要割好小猪吃的草,而且一容:年一直名列前茅,他 也有他的审十几天,爷爷奶奶,您们不回一位高中生,父母都在外务执+休。他不怕吃苦,因为经济原眠没有读书 ,而是坐在床上,公村子,村中百分之九十的成司别人的理解,因为他有梦,财用十几天,爷爷奶奶,您们务子里 很暗,只有窗户里能看年子没有一丝的暖意,晓多如报+法,所以交通不便。一条河流定晓多把书收好,走到屋子 里秘而是坐在床上,陪着年迈的书多原本应该受教育的孩子就服年的苦读也要见成效。考场务(地此,不时有几只 蝙蝠飞过,址,电那个寒假,晓多回到家,但话,传晓多好,所以他们也不会理真等)
                            支后奶奶一眼,继续他的学习付,但他并没有新年而开始玩宝村中唯一的一位高中生,父担自己的午夜苦读。寝室 里打保子就辍学在家,很早地承担交有到了晚上才能学习。眼看易,有镇更是异常的贫苦。此镇离保始收拾行装, 准备去上学。障;
                            顺刀就往山上走去。晓多要砍丰在暗暗得屋子安静要命,只快一起。然而,晓多成绩特别递管寝室有多闹,他依旧 做自年寒假生活都如此,只有到了审费多一点的油,晓多刻意把文件,快吧”爷爷摸了摸晓多的头,捷安中唯一的 一位高中生,父母全!
                            超过10年的,但却四面三面环山,只有专几天后,晓多以优异的成绩业服把一早上的柴和草送回来,务,最优始 收拾行装,准备去上学。惠的价家里,帮助爷爷奶奶干农活格!
                            联系暗,整个屋子里很暗,只有人: 谭好几天的干粮和一把自制的先生,Q那个寒假,晓多回到家,但Q: 8183,很早地承担起家庭的重任9792, Email:info@kiya要多砍一点,这样,爷爷奶group.com,Mobile: 185882校熄灯了,他就躲哉被窝里07183

                            UK 多是村中唯一的一位高中生company 晓多就和爷爷奶奶生活在一Annual 读。时间不知又过了多久,Audit,preferential 干农活,也没有去想分数的price ¥1980
                            Only 手。孩子,很晚了,睡觉吧need 没有读书,而是坐在床上,to 哉被窝里,拿出自己在同学provide 这样孤独的学习着。也不知UK ,同时,他也要割好小猪吃company 很暗,但是晓多却很高兴,name ,晓多成绩特别优秀,在第to 晓多。奶奶,我不困,您先finish 依旧做自己的事。晚上,学Annual ,晓多也就回到了家里,帮Audit.
                            Service 为他们的家庭状况比晓多好list: 火熄灭了,整个屋子没有一Annual 会儿就睡”他看了看身后奶Return+Dormant 多也不需要别人的理解,因Account 活,他也一直这样努力着。Report+Secretarial 您先睡吧,我一会儿就睡”services( Registation address, telephone,fax)
                            Over 10 years of professional ,只有东北方向敞开着,所service, ,在黑暗的灯光下苦读。火preferential 立马灭掉灯,拿着书本便冲price!
                            Mr. Allen,是他们不知道晓多在做什么QQ: 81839792,食。晓多的每个寒假生活都Email:info@kiyagroup.com,终于到了 学校。在学校,晓Mobile: 18588207183
                            hello! Xiao Kai but more is very happy, he set a house Maia legislation without a trace of warmth, Xiao launched special group, parents are overseas workers, about sixty kilometers from childhood center dawn price but every time he went to school surrounded by gifted must be prepared several benefits: the ability to learn English. Each subject had to put the country seeing the winter should remember public speaking teacher. Go to college, away from dawn Division dream more happy, he flew to exterminate light, it can take years to see the light, although it is dark, the trial, but he did not begin playing special New Year, ready to go to school. After more than two Xiao Hui paper sliding sound. Price window also learning efforts. In the evening, a pale grid after 1980 own practice. Xiao Yuan returned to the bedroom to mention behavior. Xiao does not need much for others, still waiting eat pig. Britain began more gray dawn, the dawn began to pack things more rows States. In the evening, the lights of the school, the public school at home, the family early to assume the Secretary Mingzi quiet death, not only knows more sleepy pen soon, you first go to sleep, I'll be studying at midnight. Snoring bedroom complete reason, many of the original should be educated in a full day, only to come back at noon to trial; in their own classmates bought at trial dawn is broken after two days of walking more, and finally within to cut a good pig eat grass, and a capacity: years have been among the best, he also had his trial ten days, grandparents, you are not back to a high school student, parents are Foreign executed + break. He is not afraid of hardship, because the economy did not read the original sleep, but sat on the bed, male village, the village into a Division ninety percent of people's understanding, because he has a dream, Choi with ten days, grandparents, you have Works yard was dark, only windows can see no trace of warmth in the sub, Xiao much as reported + method, so inaccessible. Given more than a river Xiao received a good book, go to the secret room but sat on the bed, accompanied old book was supposed to be more education on serving children studying years have paid off. Examination services (to this, there are often a few bats flying, addresses, electricity that winter, Xiao much at home, but the words, Xiao Chuan good, so they can not really manage, etc.) after the branch grandmother one, to continue his Learning to pay, but he did not start playing in the New Year while Bao village the only one high school, his father supported midnight studying. Bedroom child to drop out of school at home playing Paul, have to pay an early take on the evening in order to learn. Seeing is easy, there is a poor town is even more unusual. Paul beginning from this town packed up and ready to go to school. Impaired; Shun knife walked up the hill. Xiao Feng secretly to cut much too terribly quiet room, only fast together. However, Xiao multiple delivery pipe grades especially how trouble sleeping, he is still doing all this since the winter of life, only to the trial costs a little more oil, more deliberately dawn file, now "Grandpa dawn touched more head, Czech Republic, only a high school student, parents full! more than 10 years, but it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, only special few days later, Xiao multiple industry honors to a morning service firewood and grass and sent back, works optimal start to pack up, ready to go to school the benefits of price home, help grandparents doing farm work grid.! Contact dark, the whole house was dark, only the person: dry food and a homemade Mr. Tan for several days, Q that winter, Xiao much at home, but Q: 8183, the family early to assume the task of 9792, Email: info @ kiya to be more cut in that way, Grandpa milk group.com, Mobile: 185882 school lights, he would hide Kazuya quilt 07,183 more UK is the only one high school in the village and more on the company dawn and grandparents live in a Annual reading. The time I do not know how long they had, Audit, preferential farm work, but also did not think fraction of price ¥ 1980 Only hand. child, late, sleep need not reading, but sitting on the bed, to bed Kazuya, come up with their classmates provide learning with such lonely. I do not know UK, at the same time, he wants to cut a good small Pigs eat company is very dark, but knows more is very happy, name, knows more particularly outstanding performance in the first to know much. Grandma, I'm not sleepy, you first finish still do their own thing in the evening, learning Annual, knows more and returned to the home, to help Audit. Service for their family situation much better than dawn list: fire extinguished, the whole house did not sleep a moment Annual "He looked behind milk Return + Dormant not need more understanding of others because Account live, he has been such efforts. Report + Secretarial you first go to sleep, I'll sleep "Services (Registation address, Telephone, Fax) Over 10 years of Professional, just northeast of the open, the service,, studying in the dark light. fire preferential flew off off lights, holding books and we rush price! Mr. Allen, is that they do not know what to do know more than QQ:. 81839792, Xiao much food each winter life is Email: info@kiyagroup.com, and finally to the school. school, Xiao Mobile: 18588207183
                            It's still clear as mud! :lol: :lol: :lol:


                            • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

                              Someone obviously thinks I may be Chinese!!!

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                              • Re: Post up and share your examples of spam phishing emails messages #scamaware

                                From:Kelly Zhong

                                Request for Confidential Business Relationship.

                                I know that this will come to you as a surprise since we don't know each other before. For the purpose of introduction, I was a silent business partner to the Former CEO (Tony Hayward) of British Petroleum (BP), in United Kingdom. After due deliberation , I decided to contact you for your assistance in standing as benefactor to the sum of US$45.5m Million (Forty-Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) equivalent because, I am currently in need of a silent foreign partner whose identity i can use to transfer the said sum. This fund accrued legitimately to me as commission from foreign contracts (Oil Spill in The Gulf Of Mexico) with British Petroleum during my time in active service through my private connections.

                                The fund is presently waiting to be remitted from within Europe to any overseas beneficiary confirmed by me as a partner/associate/receiver. By virtue of my political position, I cannot acquire this money with my name. For this reason I took it upon myself to look for an overseas silent partner who could work with me to facilitate transfer of this fund for our mutual benefit, hence the reason for this message. What I am requesting from you is:

                                (1) To be my silent partner and receive the funds as the sole benefactor to the contract amount which I shall secure all legal documentation here in U.K to authenticate my claim on your behalf.

                                (2) Send me your full names and a private direct mobile number for easy communication under your control.

                                (3) Receive the funds as the beneficiary, take out your commission after tax and keep the rest of the money until I arrive there to meet you after the transfer is completed.

                                My proposal is that after you receive the funds, it would be shared as follows: (1) 25% to you as commission for your co-operation and assistance in facilitating the transfer from Europe to any of your nominated account, while the remaining 75% belongs to me. You will be free to take out your commission immediately after the money hits your country since my objective is to invest the money in a foreign country, it would be appreciated if you could also help me with advice and direction (Consultation) on investing into profitable/lucrative ventures in your country for an additional 5%.

                                However, this is optional, and if it is not convenient for you to further assist me with investing the money, we can end our cooperation after you make available to me my share of the money. this transaction, although discrete, is legitimate and the money will be transferred successfully with all necessary back-up documents showing legitimate source/origin of fund.

                                The transfer will be effected within a period not longer than two weeks as soon as we reach an agreement and you furnish me with a suitable response indicating your interest and complete details for processing the transfer to my email address via your private email address:kellyzhong0021@yahoo.es . I plead with you on one issue, whether you are interested or not, kindly do not expose this information to anyone else. I confirm that the transaction is legitimate and without any risks either to me or yourself. Please, your immediate response will be highly appreciated whether you are interested or not.

                                Yours Truly,
                                Kelly Zhong


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