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London Parking Solutions - PCN

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  • London Parking Solutions - PCN

    Hey everyone!!!

    I need your help as I am not sure what to do. Last month I parked my car in a private car park and I got a PCN on my windscreen. I have made an appeal through on IAS when I received the PCN without a valid permit to park my car in a private car park.

    I was told the appeal would take 2 weeks to go through, but it takes 2 days for them to go through and my appeal has been rejected. I received a letter from London Parking Solutions (Known as LPS) and they said that my appeal has been rejected, I must pay the fine due to no permit display on my windscreen. They said if I do not pay the fine within 14 days, they will pass it on to debt collection agency for further action to get their money. Weeks later I have received a letter from Ultimate Customer Solutions (Known as UCS) which is the same firm as LPS and they are required me to pay them £100 with £60 admin fee plus the interest charge, so I choose to ignore them.

    However, I have been parking my car in a private car park for the last 2 months and I received 4 more PCN from LPS for display without invalid permit. I saw the bloke who put the PCN on my windscreen, I was shouted toward him and I had a go at him and I told him to leave me alone and stop hassle me by put the PCN when I lived here. He told me to calm down and he explained to me that I got the PCN because I am not on the tenancy, so he suggested me to move my car and park in a council road. Then he was threaten me that if I do not move my car within 1 week, he would tow my car away so he went in the car and drove off. He knows that he don't have the power to clamp or tow a car since the law has changed in 1st October 2012. I have google it and it said that it is criminal offence for a private car park company to tow a car without local authorities like police, DVLA or council.

    I have my legal right to park my car in a private car park because I lived here for 30 years, I have not used a parking space to someone else and there is no contract with the landowner. I feel it is threaten and cause me an harassment, because I lived with my mum for 30 years which I have never had any problems like this before the estate changed their pathetic rules and they did not put me on the tenancy to give me the proper permit to park my car in a private car park. I have asked them to give me one but they won't let me to have one.

    Can you please advice me with what I have to do with the 4 PCN as I have already made an appeal which they won't accept anymore appeal and can you also please advice me if I could still park my car in a private car park without have a valid permit as I have only got the visitors permit?

    Do I have my legal right to park my car in a private car park that the private car park company don't have the power to clamp or tow my car?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
    Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

    You have been a tenant for 30 years, though not a named tenant. The estate cannot just change the rules when they feel like it. Who is the landlord and what does the tenancy agreement say about parking?


    • #3
      Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

      Originally posted by ostell View Post
      You have been a tenant for 30 years, though not a named tenant. The estate cannot just change the rules when they feel like it. Who is the landlord and what does the tenancy agreement say about parking?
      Well I don't mean they have changed the rules, but I mean they have changed the rules as you need a permit to park your car in a private car park. This is ridiculous because I lived here for 30 years so why would you need a permit when you lived there for years lol.

      There is no landlord, I am on the housing association so it doesn't say anything on the tenancy agreement about parking. The private car park where I parking my car it is belong to the housing association.

      Here is the picture if you need to take a look of the notice board:

      As you can see what it say on the notice board of what I got as visitor permit, I am allowed to park my car in a private car park from 9:00am to 5:30pm then move to another private car park from 5:30pm to 9:00am then move it. I can't see any big difference where you park your car. There is no contract with the landowner or whatever it is.


      • #4
        Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

        @mystery1 can you help me with this please?


        • #5
          Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

          What does your mums tenancy agreement say about parking ?

          Do not appeal any ticket that appears on your vehicle ! Wait for the notice to keeper to come via post (between 28 & 56 days).

          I take it the ticket you have had and appealed has passed the 21 days to appeal to the IAS ?



          • #6
            Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

            Originally posted by mystery1 View Post
            What does your mums tenancy agreement say about parking ?

            Do not appeal any ticket that appears on your vehicle ! Wait for the notice to keeper to come via post (between 28 & 56 days).

            I take it the ticket you have had and appealed has passed the 21 days to appeal to the IAS ?

            It doesn't say anything about the parking on the tenancy agreement.

            I have not make anymore appeal on these tickets that appears on my vehicle after I made on my first appeal. If they put the tickets on my car, is it safe to ignore and not to pay?

            And also I want to know if it is safe to park my car in a private car park after I got a threaten from one of these guy who put the tickets on my car he said if I don't move it he could tow my car away within 7 days?

            Yes, I have had appealed to the IAS after 21 days has passed and my appeal has been rejected 2 days after I made the appeal. I was told that the appeal would take 2 weeks but it took them 2 days. They are a joke!!!


            • #7
              Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

              If you exhausted the appeals process available then it's either pay or ignore and see if they go to court. IPC/IAS firms are bloody awful as the appeals process is utter crap.

              Usually tenancy issues come where a lease allows parking and even allocates a space but makes no mention of a requirement to use a permit. If it doesn't have it then it's of no use to you.

              They'd be in trouble if they towed you.



              • #8
                Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

                Originally posted by mystery1 View Post
                If you exhausted the appeals process available then it's either pay or ignore and see if they go to court. IPC/IAS firms are bloody awful as the appeals process is utter crap.

                Usually tenancy issues come where a lease allows parking and even allocates a space but makes no mention of a requirement to use a permit. If it doesn't have it then it's of no use to you.

                They'd be in trouble if they towed you.


                Yeah I will ignore it. If they keep put the tickets on my windscreen, should I ignore it every time when i see the tickets on my windscreen and not to make appeal it?

                The PPC said they won't take me to court, but they want to contact me. The funny things is they know that if they take me to court, I will defense myself and they will lose their court case due reasons:

                1) I will tell in the front of the judge the PPC gave me unfair penalty charge notice as I lived here for 30 years that I don't owed them anything. There are no cars are park in a private car park and I am free to park my car as long it is my rights.

                2) They don't have a contract with the landowner so the PPC can't tell me what to do or make me to move it because they are breaking the law.

                3) When I made an appeal, they have dismissed my appeal automatically in two days after I have been told that the appeal would take two weeks so it was unfair that they have dismissed my appeal when they did not let me to take the chance to defense myself. They keep put the tickets on my windscreen where no one else get this but only me.

                4) The committee gave me the wrong permit to park my car as a visitor permit so it is not my fault.

                5) I got unfair tickets that it started with £60 then went up to £100 and then £160. They have keep put the £100 ticket in each time they put the tickets on my windscreen so that is 5th times I have. It would have cost them £800 so there is no way for anyone to charge you £100 in each time they put the tickets on your windscreen and the council don't charge you more than £60. This is unfair.

                5) I am deaf and it would cost them more in court as I need to have an interpreter so each hour it will cost them £100. It won't be worth for my case to go to court so the judge will throw out my case.

                Yeah they will be in trouble if they towed my car. I have spoken to a police officer on a email and he said "it is a criminal offence to tow away a car without lawful authority."

                What do you mean by "If it doesn't have it then it's of no use to you"?

                Can I still park my car in a private car park as I lived here for 30 years?


                • #9
                  Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

                  If they keep put the tickets on my windscreen, should I ignore it every time when i see the tickets on my windscreen and not to make appeal it?
                  You should await notice to keepers which should arrive between days 28 & 56 and then challenge as keeper.

                  1) I will tell in the front of the judge the PPC gave me unfair penalty charge notice as I lived here for 30 years that I don't owed them anything. There are no cars are park in a private car park and I am free to park my car as long it is my rights.
                  If the lease is silent then you'll have issues after Parkingeye v Beavis on unfairness and penalty arguments.

                  2) They don't have a contract with the landowner so the PPC can't tell me what to do or make me to move it because they are breaking the law.
                  No contract is a problem for them. Are you sure ? If so then action should be taken to remove them.

                  4) The committee gave me the wrong permit to park my car as a visitor permit so it is not my fault.
                  Have you spoken to them about it and asked them to intervene ?

                  What do you mean by "If it doesn't have it then it's of no use to you"?
                  If the lease is silent then the point we are mking about having no rights to your space is moot.



                  • #10
                    Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

                    Right here we go again. Tonight one of my relative went over to check my car to make sure they are okay, but she saw the notice paper on the back of the car which it come from London Parking Solutions:

                    LPS said that if I do not move it within 7 days, they will tow my car away. The funny things is they have said it before Christmas that they would tow my car, but what happens after Christmas? Nothing has happens so here it is again lol. I feel they are threaten me and cause me an harassment to tow my car away. They knew it is a criminal offense if they do it and the police will arrest them.

                    They can't make me to move it, because they don't own the private land and they can't tell me what to do. I can't move my car anywhere as the car park is full. So how dare they tell me what to do to make me to move it when there is no room to park? I know there is no contract with the private company and the landowner so I guess they are breaking the law as they tell me to move it?


                    • #11
                      Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN


                      Certainly reads like they have no power under the quoted act to me.

                      Why are the management company allowing them to continue if there is no contract or authority ? What have they said about this notice ?



                      • #12
                        Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

                        Originally posted by mystery1 View Post

                        Certainly reads like they have no power under the quoted act to me.

                        Why are the management company allowing them to continue if there is no contract or authority ? What have they said about this notice ?

                        Yeah it sound like it they have no power to tow my car. If they do would it be a criminal offense if they take my car which it will be stolen?

                        I have no idea why the management company allowing them to continue as they don't have the contract with the landowner. I haven't speak to them yet but I am not going to speak to them as it will cost me on my phone bills.

                        Do you think if I should go to the police station and ask them if I could speak to the police about this as I feel it is a threat and it cause me an harassment?


                        • #13
                          Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

                          [QUOTEYeah it sound like it they have no power to tow my car. If they do would it be a criminal offense if they take my car which it will be stolen?][/QUOTE]

                          If they know it's not abandoned and don't have a court order i believe it is as per the protection of freedoms act. Doesn't mean they won't though.

                          I haven't speak to them yet but I am not going to speak to them as it will cost me on my phone bills.
                          If my car was under threat i wouldn't worry about the price of a phone call. That's your, err, call.

                          Do you think if I should go to the police station and ask them if I could speak to the police about this as I feel it is a threat and it cause me an harassment?
                          You could and they probably should investigate, but i doubt they would. "It's a civil matter"



                          • #14
                            Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

                            [QUOTE=mystery1;611571]If they know it's not abandoned and don't have a court order i believe it is as per the protection of freedoms act. Doesn't mean they won't though.

                            What do you mean they won't though? can they take my car away and sell it as I have moved my car and parking in a council road?

                            Originally posted by mystery1 View Post
                            If my car was under threat i wouldn't worry about the price of a phone call. That's your, err, call.
                            What happens if I don't phone them?

                            Originally posted by mystery1 View Post
                            You could and they probably should investigate, but i doubt they would. "It's a civil matter"
                            What would happens when it's a civil matter?
                            Last edited by chris0147; 17th January 2016, 21:36:PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: London Parking Solutions - PCN

                              What do you mean they won't though? can they take my car away and sell it?
                              Legally, it appears to me, no. Illegally, of course they can same as they can send a thug to break every bone in your body, which is not likely at all.

                              What would happens when it's a civil matter?
                              The police get on with checking for speeding cars and instantly forget you.



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